How We Shared Our Baby News


When we first got the news that we were expecting, it was definitely difficult to hold it in. Our journey to this point has not been easy and after years of trying, loss, and ups and downs, we were super excited but also a little scared. Because we had suffered loss before, we didn’t want to disappoint anyone or become too invested ourselves. But, once we got confirmation that it was safe to share, we couldn’t wait!

I dreamt of how we would tell my parents, my best friend, and our families for a long time. It was really hard to decide what to do. Instead of simply telling my parents and best friend, we decided to put together a special little package for them to celebrate the news with us.

We chose a bottle of nice white wine and I ordered these bottle labels from Label With Love on Etsy. We found this cute “grandparents” onesie on Amazon to include for my parents and this “aunt and uncle” one from Little Bird Basics on Etsy for my bestie. Then, I headed to Target for the gift box and wrapping paper. Because we weren’t sure if we were having a boy or a girl at the time, we decided to go with neutral colors (black and white) for the gifts and packaging. I found these great containers from Joanna Gaines to use as the gift boxes and a pretty white and green wrapping paper — which was actually wallpaper!


Our gifts were simple but heartfelt and definitely got everyone in the baby spirit!